Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Classroom Posters

The other day @druinok@4mulafun, and @MsKLaster were talking about their favorite fonts on dafont.com, which I had never heard of. Soooo I went to see what it was all about and I literally spent hours yesterday looking through fonts and downloading some. I like making my own classroom posters, but the traditional fonts in Windows aren't great for the cute posters I want!

Here are 2 posters that I worked on last night/this morning:

One of my goals this year is to help my students get better at persevering while working on problems that are difficult for them, so I saw this quote (somewhere on Pinterest I think) and I knew I wanted to make a poster for my room.

It's Ok to Not Know but It's Not Ok to Not Try

Another goal this year is to make the students less dependent on me. I first learned of "three before me" last spring and my entire department decided to embrace that thinking. Instead of students constantly asking me questions (especially the questions I have ALREADY answered "What is the date?"...It's written on the board, "What is our homework again?"...also posted on the board, "What page did you say?" "When is this due?" "...inside my head "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!") they will have to ask three other students before asking me. It will definitely help with the little questions (like the examples above), but I think it will also help with student collaboration and will get students talking more math with each other.

Ask Three Before Me

In a little while I'm heading to school to get started on getting my room ready. School doesn't start for another 3 weeks for me, but I had a "back to school" nightmare last night, so I want to get in and work on some stuff to hopefully control some of that anxiety!

I am almost always super duper over prepared, but for some reason my recurring back to school nightmares always include me completely forgetting to copy important documents for the first day or just completely not being prepared for my students to show up.

I'm excited to get in and start getting things ready!


  1. 3 before me is a rule in my room... love it! So important to train them early, but saves me from losing my mind quite frequently. :)

  2. I'm super-new (only student-taught; have no job lined up yet) but I wonder how do you keep the "3 b4 me" rule from disrupting your teaching? I understand for stuff like the date, but if they have a content question and are asking their neighbor while you are still teaching, how do you deal with that? Thanks for your help!

    1. Laurie,

      I haven't actually had a chance to try "three before me" yet since I only found out about it in May and I thought it was too late in the year to try to implement.

      I am hoping to create an understanding with my students that "three before me" doesn't apply when someone else (myself or another student) is talking and that they still need to be respectful and give their attention to that person and wait to ask their questions.

      Hope this helps!
